The “Covid Era” was the beginning of a global Culture War- a war on humanity. World governments collaborated to Re-Design human society by dismantling human “Connections” and controlling human “Relationship.” Scientifically, a 6 foot distance removes us from our emotional awareness of another person, but we were told we could “love” someone better now… from 6 feet away.

Our Churches became a governmental mouthpiece and told us to subject and submit ourselves to inhumane government commands. God does not mean for us to live this way. The Bible says that in the end times “even the Elect would be deceived if possible.” It isn’t too late to understand how wrong this is and repent. God designed us for Connection and Relationship. True Health is facilitated through human touch, care and Connection and ALL real science confirms this. False “Science” became weaponized against us, to our destruction.

“Professing ourselves to be wise, we have become as fools.” (Romans 1:22)

The “Shot” they issued is a recipe for Voluntary Genocide. In what other era have people so foolishly chosen their own demise and paid for it from their own pocket? Real Statistics show that it wasn’t in the era of “Covid” that deaths actually increased- but only now, in the era of “The Shot.” It wasn’t in the era of “Covid” that children died, athletes died, HEALTHY people suddenly died… but in the era of “The Shot.”

Once we are aware of this Truth, why are we lacking the fortitude to reject it, publicly SAY it’s wrong and stand against it? Because billions of dollars of global funding has been poured into reshaping our current day Church cultures (Protestant, Catholic, Non-Denominational…) establishing Values that create compliance with government mandates. “Love and Faithfulness” has been publicly and socially re-defined, not as the degree to which Believers will stand with God and loved ones, but as the degree to which Believers will accept Government decrees- even against God and loved ones.

Solomon, known in the Bible as the wisest man who ever lived said, “A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, But a fool’s heart at his left.”  Church was never supposed to be an organization advocating “Faithfulness” to doctrines, systems and governments FIRST. That is Idolatry. They have created a pathetic, lukewarm population that is ripe for government control. This is not worship of the Creator, but of the created- man and his systems of domination. It is not “christian” at all. It is the era of “The Beast” where those who follow in this way become inhuman, insensitive, sociopathic, and willing to permit and accomplish evil.

Did you know that the 501C3 Non Profit Tax Status prohibits all Churches from speaking out about politics or attempting to influence legislation “in any substantial way”?

Where the Church used to be the center of Ethical Debate on Life Issues, it is now muzzled with it’s 501C3 Status, in return for tax sanctuary. Churches have become a controlled government arm, no longer speaking conscience as conscience dictates, but speaking a Reformed Moralism within the narrow parameters of State requirements- promoting government compliance first, and benefit of the people second.

it may not be an action organizationi.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities.

IRS Website

The State is NOT our God. Time to Repent. Time to Speak Truth. THEY LIED. Start here to re-claim and re-establish Human Culture.